Dr Johns Ultimate Rock Christmas Album

The Strawkites / Conspires To 2018-11-02发行
This is the ultimate Rock Christmas Album ,compiled from unsigned Bands from around the globe ,with some classic carols really rocked up to original new christmas songs this has been made into a charity CD for people that Exeter Hospisecare in the uk look after, itis for people with life limiting and terminal ilnesses that will benefit from the care the hospice gives them
This is a Christmas Album with a difference ,heartfelt inspired music that has a massive mix of genres within the rock field .and a superb mix of songs from metal to punk to prog to ballads , The bands that have put so much time and effort into this and myself are thrilled with it and weall hope youwillenjoy itand of course buy it ,
but most of all WE HERE AND ALL INVOLVED WISH YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS Please spare a thought for those not as well of health wise and home wise as we are