Mont Blanc Suite

Imre Lahdelma 2015-10-01发行
This suite is a musical depiction of some of the emotions, thoughts and impressions I had during an expedition of climbing Mont Blanc in August 2014. The suite was recorded and mixed during July-September 2015; additional mixing and mastering in November 2016. Compositions, keyboards, synths, guitars, Fender bass, instrument and other sampling, drum programming, recording, mixing and mastering done by me, myself and I.

A huge thank you to the following people who made it possible to reach the summit:

Markku Kivikoski, Jarkko Kivikoski and Juuso Kivikoski for all their help and great company during the Mont Blanc expedition; Jussi Muittari for initiating me to alpinism; the living legend Pette Halme for his stone-cold professionalism in making things happen in Switzerland, Italy and France; and last but certainly not least our guides on Mont Blanc: Magnus Strand and Sami Modenius.

An additional and massive music production shout-out to Keith Goodwin from Scotland for a great many tips on music technology over the years.

"Mont Blanc yet gleams on high: the power is there,
The still and solemn power of many sights,
And many sounds, and much of life and death..."

—Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mont Blanc (1817)