Carsten Hein 2018-11-16发行
Bernd Oezsevim (drums)
Eldar Tsalikov (clarinet and saxophone),
Hendrik Stiller (piano)
Johannes Böhmer (trumpet)
Carsten Hein (bass, composition)

LINER NOTES (by Kiana Minkie)

THIS, composed by Carsten Hein is an album of memories in retrospect. Taking inspiration from travel, the sound is reminiscent of good times and favourite records. It’s a reliving of rich experiences, without the feeling of nostalgic yearning. The album’s overall sound is complex but resolved, suggesting maturity and gratefulness.

THIS is an ode to the versatility of the bass, highlighting the unique voice of the bass in diverse contexts. Many of the instrumental parts were first written on the bass and instruments often take on unexpected roles. Close intervals and odd meters in some of the tracks are combined with (collective) improvisations and contrasting sounds, with attention grabbing harmonies. Dreamy layers of sound, minimalistic melodies and elements of film music invite the listener to dip into their own mental movie.

Each track encompasses the composers appreciation of many kinds of music. Listeners can hear the way different music styles compliment each other. The album merges pop melodies, indie rock, modern jazz and latin influences, with the perfect blend of improvisation and technical refinement. Without the limitation of self-imposed genre boundaries, the audience can hear freedom in the conscious decision to make one’s own rules. THIS is the soundtrack to finding acceptance for our individual paths in life, and a playful rebellion against the status quo.