Malayalam Beat Vol II

The Marv 2018-10-19发行
The Marv strikes again with the long awaited second volume of her own Malayalam beat.
Get prepared, today you are the guest of honor at the lady’s table.
The five course meal she’s prepared with devotion under the roof of her tiny parisian apartment tastes like a blind reminiscence of her childhood.
As her grand mother Lakshmi used to cook, the fragrances of hot coconut oil and spices are going to invade your space.
But let’s not forget about The Marv being raised in Paris. In this Ep parisian concrete resonates with the buzzing of Colombo’s traffic, reducing spaces and expanding emotions, that’s The Marv’s touch right there !
It’s also with great pleasure that she presents her work in collaboration with the talented italian producer and Saz player Mordecai on two of the tracks.
Watch out, it’s gonna be abundant, colorful, luxurious, with lots of layers and deep feelings, combining the beauty of Malayalam music with ruff, rugged & raw beats.
Just take a bite of this EP, you’ll be surprised by the hotness and sweetness brought together by the one and only The Marv.