On A Mission

Bloody Times 2019-01-11发行
The album "On A Mission" convinces by unleashing a great amount of power while it holds some surprises regarding its very unique lineup, featuring MANOWAR co-founder Ross the Boss (guitarist from Battle Hymns to Kings of Metal, 1980 - 1988) and former ICED EARTH members John Greely and Raphael Saini.

Almost every song features a slightly different lineup, therefore it's currently a hybrid between band and solo-project. The first song of the album features legendary guitarist Ross the Boss. John Greely is the main vocalist singing on all tracks.

Influenced by the already mentioned bands and more, Bloody Times searched and found it's own metal style, which can be best described as a mix of heavy metal, power metal, melodic metal and (neo-)classical metal with a modern touch - from hard head-banging parts to epic and softer parts they have everything that can run under the name "True Metal".