
WATP 2018-06-07发行
WE ART THE PEOPLE is a Parisians band (France) mainly composed by "Weddy Book" with numerous musical talents : writers, composers, producers, musicians and vocalists.
Passioned by Afro-American music since their young ages (James Brown, George Clinton, Michael Jackson, Prince…) WATP has the goal to spread funk essence in the people heart…
With their former band ", they performed in several Parisian clubs and festivals. (Guests of KOOL & THE GANG, STROMAE…)
The band really found its true identity and artistic direction under the name of WATP.
Their first single « Sounds Of My Life » (March 2017) was fastly played by UK, Canadian and French radios station. After their first EP called « 1984 » (Spring 2017), full of passion, WATP is bringing a fresh air of New Funk with their new EP "Liberty".