Jonny Kosmo

Jonny Kosmo 2019-03-01发行
Los Angeles artist Jonny Kosmo is no stranger to groove, most recently performing as the bassist for Los Angeles' psych-pop synth outfit Mr. Elevator. Steeped in pop-strange composition and a rich history of musical theater, Kosmo creates songs full of color, movement, and imagination all while keeping ears dosed in a palette of shimmery soul.
Kosmo’s solo debut demonstrates the dynamic hues and shapes his songwriting takes. The LP sees the invitation of funk/r&b idol Aldous RH, drummer Miles Wintner (Ian Sweet), synth-genius Tomas Dolas (Mr. Elevator/Thee Oh Sees), as well as a collaboration with Kassie Carlson (Guerilla Toss). Self-titled release Jonny Kosmo leaves the listener in soundscapes of wonderment and honeyed possibility. The album was recorded by seasoned producer Tomas Dolas at Studio 22 in Los Angeles California.
嚴格說來,來自洛杉磯的音樂人強尼小宇宙(Jonny Kosmo)並不是什麼初出茅廬的新秀,身為炙手可熱的洛城迷幻搖滾樂隊 Mr.Elevator 貝斯手,他已經是Groovy 老練的低音老司機。 強尼的音樂基調是流行通俗的,但絕不依照尋常的套路操作。對於老派音樂劇的熱愛深深影響了他對音樂與藝術的審美:斑斕燦爛、充滿愛與理想,仿若上世紀的嬉皮還魂。

強尼的首張同名處男大碟宣示了他在美學上的傾向、色調與寫歌的輪廓。參與這張專輯的客席音樂人陣容可說十分豪華:曼徹斯特 funk/r&b新偶像 ALDOUS RH、Indie Rock 樂隊Ian Sweet鼓手 Miles Winter、合成器天才 Tomas Dolas (Mr. Elevator/Thee Oh Sees)以及紐約大腕迷幻樂隊Gueilla Toss主腦 Kassie Carlson 等。
這張同名專輯留給聽眾的是甜滋滋的夢幻旋律與歌詞裡無所不在的腦洞,並由經驗老道的製作人/樂手 Tomas Dolas在加州洛城 Studio 22 錄製完成。