
Dave Reid / Rick Morrison 2017-12-12发行
Dave Reid & Rick Morrison give you 'Back to basics, real and raw Aussie Pub Rock, like it used to be, with real life lyrics, chunky guitar, solid rhythm and more'.
Rick Morrison, original member of renowned Australian Rock band 'The Masters Apprentices' has collaborated with Dave Reid, original member for popular 80's Adelaide Rockin' Rhythm & Blues band 'Terra Firma', to create an outstanding rock album of new material. The music is mostly typical of Australian Pub Rock music of the 80's with powerful guitar riffs, solid rhythm, strong vocals and real life lyrics. Dave & Rick combine over 100 years of music industry experience into this album of songs. For Rick music is a spiritual gift from God, even hard rock and roll. Both Rick & Dave hope these songs will inspire young kids every where to become musicians - to get back to the basics and enjoy creating music. This album is dedicated to fans, friends and family.