Super Bloom

The Trouble Notes 2019-06-07发行
Like a real Super Bloom, this EP for us was a delightful surprise. It began in the Spring 2019, when we departed for the USA to begin a two month tour of the west coast. It was the first time in our lives that we would make the trek across the American west. From the moment we left there was a creative spirit in the air. We would imagine different soundtracks for the landscapes we saw: desert, mountains, flower covered valleys, swamps, and sprawling metropolises. While at first only musings, the idea to create this EP came when we viewed the rainbow poppy fields during the Super Bloom in the valleys of the Sequoia National Forest. Overcome with an uplifting spirit of happiness, we knew we would create a series of recordings documenting our experience in the west. This EP is dedicated to all of the friends and fans who came to the shows, who hosted us, who were our guides and shared their love and compassion with us during those two months. We will cherish that first western experience forever.