Lose Weight Easily

Dr. Mitchell Gibson 2010-02-01发行
Digital subconscious speech language is a computer-generated series of tones, suggestions, and digital sounds that are designed to place specific suggestions directly into the human subconscious mind. This exciting new technology takes advantage of the storage potential of DNA and allows for rapid changes in behavior and the emotions. Our new recordings take advantage of this technology and uses it to create a tool that can help anyone achieve their mental and emotional goals with greater ease than ever before. The four main working components of our beautiful one of a kind recordings are:

Post hypnotic suggestions

Digitally created gamma frequency tones

Digital subconscious speed language

Alpha-theta wave enhancing music.

All of these unique technologies are blended into a seamless mixture of sound and technology that you must hear to believe. In our one of our newest product; Lose Weight Easily, the power of your subconscious mind that can help you lose weight easily is gradually released. The healing power stored within the mind is awesome. It has healed every problem that has been presented to it at some level of reality.