Just Relax 2018

Baby Beef 2019-07-26发行
In 2018 the 3 members of Baby Beef finally realized something that had been true all along; they always were a band, now all they needed to do was make some music. What started as a vulnerable & therapeutic act of self-reflection, quickly morphed into a masterclass in self-expression and loving yourself.

Described as “Sydney’s surprisingly best support band,” Baby Beef hit awfully hard considering how light they travel. Live, Baby Beef weave theatrical and enchanting elements together at every turn as songs to vacillate from devastating to humorous at the strangest of times. This catches even the most jaded soul off-guard and has been generously defined by one reviewer as “ABBA for millennials.”

Debut Single “Just Relax 2018” is self-described by the band as “a somewhat humorous take on muscle relaxants and trying to dave money. It is also about trying to express yourself to others the way you are able to in your own head.”

Self-producing all musical and visual elements, Baby Beef’s style of music is inspired by art-pop instigators like Fine Young Cannibals, Alex Cameron, and Ariel Pink. Equal parts unnerving and familiar. Most listeners find it best to take a few days off work. This helps them to process the melodies, convinced they have witnessed the future.

Ricky (a recently acquainted, self-proclaimed superfan) was asked to describe the band’s influence. His response?

“‘Baby Beef is like a religion, the members are my role models, they have affected me very deeply with their openness, maturity, and kindness expressed through their character, songs, and performance.”

Baby Beef loves you.