Something Planned

Me In The Bath 2019-07-14发行
With this release after dozens and dozens, Me In The Bath is sailing a bit away from its noisy roots for something more easy to listen, while remaining strange and filled with distortion. Spanning between styles while still being coherent, this album is a perfect soundtrack for nowadays' life and lifestyle, recorded while the Me In The Bath sole permanent member just moved from a big urban area, in France, to a quieter place in the French countryside, to be precise from Lyon area, which counts about 2.5 millions of inhabitants, to the quite more unpopulated land of the Jura mountains. The change is easy to find, there is for sure a "before" and an "after" with this particular album, that is more appealing to a broader audience that anything that Me In The Bath produced before - old releases that nevertheless gained much attention among noisepop fans. Listening to Me In The Bath music is still nowadays a quite awkward travel to take, leading you to unknown lands of sound and being always surprising for the (courageous) listener. Described as music that is "at the limit of musical balance, seeming to fall, but catching up each time one way or another", sorted as well as "dissonant experimental pop music" as "minimal new-wave electro", or "alternative garage punk" and "folk grunge metal", this release is never lacking surprises for the listener, and maybe will you be joining the ever-growing group of people enjoying Me In The Bath... If you can stand such strange and noisy music !