The Giant Star Meditation

Dr. Mitchell Gibson 2009-04-22发行
The Giant Star Meditation utilizes energy from a star with the relative size of the largest red giant star in the image above. This star is many times larger than our Sun and is several billion years older. This star is beginning its ascent into a higher sphere of reality. Our Sun will achieve this same feat but will require many millions of years to do so.

The energy of this star is quite ancient and has the energy of expansive consciousness, enlightenment, spiritual healing, and spiritual cleansing. The sounds contained within this recording will help you push beyond the boundaries of your present level of spiritual growth.

We added the gentle rolling sound of a mother rainstorm in order to balance the intensity of the sound. We have already had reports of powerful healings, cleansings, and manifestations of spiritual power when our customers have meditated with The Giant Star Meditation.

This recording is best enjoyed by clearing the mind and allowing the frequencies to wash over the body and mind. You may also play it while you sleep.