
Sátyr 2019-10-15发行
From the rather quiet Munich, Sátyr's SP404 keeps moving to exciting places like Exarchia in Athens, where he also finds the right vibes in search of samples to work on his music.
Not only the city itself, but also Greek mythology are constant companions in his work and also inspiration for it.
Here he also found the appropriate name for his upcoming debut: "Pandora".
With Pandora, Sátyr gives the next glimpse of his current work after his first EP and presents two sound images in the new 15 tracks.
The first half of the album - darker and well below 90 BPM - stands for the fable of Pandora's box, while the second half - much brighter and more playful - focuses more on the image of Pandora as the most beautiful woman of that time.
This is now rounded off by a Figub Brazlevič mastering, which gives the dope project the finishing touch.

Sátyr is the newest producer at Krekpek Records and at the age of 24 shows that we can look forward to a lot of exciting music in the future. The box is open!