outinout project

OP 2017-06-01发行
outinout project is the debut album of OP (artist name coming just from this album title). Released on June, 1st 2017, on the 50th anniversary of Sgt Pepper Lonely Heart Band release, the album includes 8 original tracks, spanning from progressive rock and pop rock, with reminiscences of the works by Peter Gabriel, Roger Waters, Kate Bush and other british artists of 70s and 80s. The album opens up with Soul Scrubbing, a metaphore of the artistic start of OP and is divided in 4 OUT (social themes) and 4 IN songs (personal themes). Danced The Sky And The Wind, a romantic ballad, is the song with the largest number of Spotify streams, followed by Refugee Blues, a song with the lyrics of the famous poem by Wystan Hugh Auden, written in 1939. Children Of Their Dream reminds the event of Tienanmen square of 1989. Ban The Sugar closes the album with fun