Why Me?

Duhon 2020-02-29发行
Duhon is no stranger to his emotions, and throughout his career, he has been fearless when voicing the ups and downs he has endured during this journey called life. This kind of raw and unfiltered energy is more present than ever on his latest release, “Why Me?” The record is a two-and-a-half-minute thrill ride through Duhon’s back and forth internal battle due to a failing relationship. Duhon is slowly losing his sense of self, and his crooning hook pleads for an answer as to why all of these tragic events and shortcomings are happening to him. The production from LevyBeats accentuates his passionate vocals as he describes his “lifeless, priceless identity” that he now owns after having all stability stripped from him as the arguments and fights continue. Any-one going through difficult times can relate to some lyric throughout the record and can easily grasp the headspace Duhon must have been in when penning this single. There is not one wasted breath throughout the entirety of the song, and it is sure to be one of the best in Duhon’s catalog thus far!