Jerusalem EXTD

Tom Ripples 2020-09-03发行
This song is dedicated to the cruel conquest by crusaders in the 11th century.

In January 1099, Raimund von Toulouse went with the remaining army of approx. 14,000 combat-capable crusaders on the last stage through Palestine to Jerusalem, which was then reached at the beginning of June 1099 only with great difficulty. The lack of food and water, extreme heat and epidemics demoralized the army and many crusaders succumbed to the hardships. During the siege that followed, the hostile conditions in the landscape off Jerusalem took an additional toll. Despite the support during the siege, Raimund's real goal remains the conquest of Tripoli.

After the crusaders had overcome the north wall of Jerusalem around noon on July 15, 1099 and had penetrated the city, they staged a massacre over the next three days, which killed large parts of the population - Muslims, Jews and Christians without distinction. Totally out of their senses and as if possessed, 3000 of the residents were killed in the course of the first afternoon, evening and the next morning. The sadistic slaughter knew no limits, no mercy, no age or gender. Even the Coptic and Syrian Christians who remained in the city were killed.