Ancient, Vol. 1

Traveling the World 2016-01-04发行
Traveling the World – contemporary folk / world music band from Rivne, Ukraine. (Founded in 2015)
Our music is a way to connect traditions with modernity. In absolutely non-standard manner we combine ancient ethnic tunes of different regions all over the world with modern music standards, jazz improvisation, contemporary composition and with progressive music trends of nowadays.
Ethnic features of every song underlined with characteristic rhythmic patterns and special sound qualities of acoustical instruments while electronic elements provide influence of modernity that helps to integrate unfamiliar listeners into traditions of world music.
In our first album “ANCIENT. Vol.1”(2016) we performed Celtic, Klezmer, Middle Eastern music, tunes from Ukraine, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, ancient Slavic melodies and some more. Music that presented in album mostly instrumental while our latest works are songs that more influenced by Jazz.
Our main aim is Traveling the World with our music!