
曾经唱遍街头巷尾的温暖歌曲 唤醒青春岁月中永不褪色的浪漫回忆

继大受好评的专辑《伊豆的舞女》之后,制作人叶云川再度与原班国际顶尖音乐人合作,于东京最佳爵士录音棚创制佳作,以模拟磁带的载录,和众多顶级模拟器材的打磨,令动人乐歌温暖呈现。这些在中日乐坛都曾经掀起热潮的经典旋律,在著名爵士钢琴家Simon Cosgrove的重新编创下,被赋予了爵士乐即兴自由的气质,而又不失原曲的精神内蕴。在日本爵士界备受好评的两位女歌手浩子Williams、国贞雅子,以及另外两位唱功非凡的日本歌手,则以充满丰沛情感的磁性声线,令人在熟悉的曲调中怡然迷醉。

Golden leaves drift away with beautiful memories of autumn. Soothing melodies echo at dawn, bringing nostalgia that only belongs to the past. At the other end of time spectrum, beautiful tunes from across the Strait rustle out from the loud speaker hanging in front of the department store. In the dance halls, the most popular songs were sung by those youthful bodies dancing under the colorful ball lights. In these sleepless nights, how many lonely and busy souls were accompanied by the popular songs played at late-night radio stations?
In that intimate yet distant age, popular songs from Taiwan and Hong Kong, China, with their novel rhythm and genuine sentiments, spread rapidly and became an unfading musical mark in the hearts of an entire generation. Nevertherless, unfamiliar to most listeners, some of those popular songs that are still making influences on popular culture of both sides, originated from our neighbor, Japan: who could sense the humid island breeze of Okinawa in Taiwanese singer Emil Wakin Chau’s “Huaxin” (“Heart of a Flower”)? Who would know that “Qidao”(“Prayer”), which once healed innumerable Chinese hearts in the dark nights, came from a Japanese ballad “Takeda Lullaby,” and that in the 1970s, the big-time Japanese enka “Michizure” (“Travelling Companion”) was turned into Teresa Teng’s pastoral “Shancha Hua”(“Camellia”).
This album presents eleven songs. The song titles might seem unfamiliar, but their Chinese covers have already become the most ubiquitous melodies treasured in every listener’s memories. The original Japanese singers and song-writers such as Miyuki Nakajima, Koji Tamaki,and Mayumi Itsuwa have exerted great influences on Mandarin-language pop music (Mandopop) since 1980s—almost making up half of the Mandopop world. Music producer Mr. Ye Yunchuan, in his hope to re-interpret those classic songs through their original song texts, takes us to a musical journey that traces back to Teresa Teng’s era and shows how Mandopop gradually grows by learning from Japanese music. In the meantime, through this album, Ye also hopes to motivate more Chinese musicians,calling for works that resonate with both the nation and the world.
Following the highly acclaimed album, The Dancing Girl of Izu, producer Mr. Ye Yunchuan once again collaborated with those world top musicians. They gathered together to make artistic creations in Dede, one of Tokyo's best jazz studios, to simulate tape recording and to polish many top simulators, making possible the comeback of those heartwarming songs. Jazz pianist Simon Cosgrove’s re-arrangement further enriches those classic melodies with a touch of improvisation and freedom, while still keeping the spiritual core of the original songs. Acclaimed Japanese jazz singers Hiroko Williams, Masako Kunisada, Remi Nachi and Akira Wada deeply move listeners with their rich and emotive voices.
A thousand years ago, the sounds of Tang and Song Dynasty crossed the sea and took root in Dongying Islands. Today, melodies from Japan, embedded with some Chinese imprints, echo in every corner of the streets in China. Human’s perception of good music could go across national boundaries and transcend time and space. Those heartwarming songs have awakened distant, hazy, yet intimate memories for travelers who have been away from home.


浩子Williams (Hiroko Williams)
Hiroko Williams has released seven albums since 2012 and constantly tops the jazz charts in Japan. She tours all over Japan and hosts a radio program called “MY ROOM JAZZ ”. Her prizewinning music has been used for the ANA in-flight music program, and her albums have been featured in audio magazines in Asia and Europe.

国贞雅子(Masako Kunisada)
Masako Kunisada studied in New York with Gregory Hopkins and made her mark on the Tokyo scene as a talented singer of jazz, gospel, R&B and pop music. She also plays piano and has released an album entitled “Wonderful Life”, featuring some of her original music.

名知玲美(Remi Nachi)
Remi Nachi started her music career in 1999 as a member of the Avex Entertainment dance chorus group AN-J. She continued to develop as a singer, composer, producer and educator, and in 2013 she won the vocal grand prix at the Asakusa Jazz Festival. She is in constant demand as a jazz vocalist on the Tokyo jazz scene and has performed internationally with a variety of ensembles.

和田明(Akira Wada)
After a short period of study in New York, Akira moved to Tokyo in 2015 where he won the Chigusa Prize. He recorded his debut album Essence in 2017 and was featured in newspapers, jazz magazines and radio. He is in demand as one of Tokyo’s finest male jazz vocalists.

叶云川 音乐制作人,美国格莱美协会会员,创立中国声誉卓著的音乐品牌“瑞鸣音乐”,并任制作人,中国传媒大学艺术创作导师,中国金唱片奖最佳音乐人特别奖获得者。从事音乐创作、制作多年,获海内外重要音乐媒体高度评价,部分作品被海外唱片公司收录出版,所制作的音乐作品在高端音乐市场得到较大认同,并远销海外,成绩斐然。担任制作人的唱片及音乐作品曾多次获“美国独立音乐大奖”“中国金唱片奖”“中华优秀出版奖”“华语音乐传媒大奖”等一百五十余个奖项,作品多次入选“CD圣经”等海内外专业评比。因多年与国际音乐制作及出版行业的密切合作经历,音乐创作理念及制作手段具有国际化的开阔视角。

出品/监制:丁磊 叶云川
英文文案: 朱楚仪
平面设计: 晓航
