凤凰涅盘(中央芭蕾舞团74人演绎 浓情中国舞剧音乐)

Nirvana of The Phoenix
管弦互诉柔美演绎 乐舞交融空谷绝响
中央芭蕾舞团交响乐团 演奏
张艺 指挥


In the fire …
A figure is dancing.
The towering flames reach to the heavens; Tongues of fire swirl ' round the sound of a Pipa.
Jumping, moving swiftly, winsome, with rapt attention ...
The scarlet flames illuminate the nocturnal sky, casting dancing shadows upon mountains and even the vault of heaven, reaching to the sea and plain, reaching to the bone-chilling wind of icy morning.
Flames devour fragmentary remains of treasured works of art; flames devour the dancing phantasm ... Now burned black and yet shining brilliantly.
The ululation that emerges from the lapping tongues sounds ecstatic, and joy and fear mingle in its resonance.
In the dying flames, a dancing shadow again appears; A first, nearly imperceptibly, the ashes begin to heal themselves and reassemble.
Then suddenly, out of the dying embers, a new flame arises in a flash, and the rose-colored plumes of fire announce the phoenix reborn...Its brilliant, fragrant rays seize all color in this world but for a moment.
Therefore -
We revere the grace and fluid movements of the dance;
We revere those mortals who seemingly can transcend the laws of gravity;
We revere those whose every movement is rhythmic and free;
We revere their seeming ability to transcend the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth through their dexterous movements.
We revere their choice to be beautiful in every movement and expression.
The spirit of the Phoenix is the inspiration for our dances, an ancient tradition that finds its origins in the admonishments of Liang Chenyu (the Ming Dynasty playwright and author of the first play of the Kun school (kunqu) of dramatic singing), calling upon dancers to invoke the phoenix as it soars or perches beautifully, imitating it, giving a human incarnation to this beautiful mythic spirit.
The dancer is a phoenix in human-form. And the music which accompanies the dance is the magnificent plumage whose power can enchant and capt ivate both gods and men.
This recording features a small, carefully chosen program of some of the most attractive and moving musical excerpts from the modern Chinese dance repertory. Included, are selections from works that have enjoyed wide popularity for nearly half a century as well as new works that have enjoyed considerable critical acclaim and growing recognition in the West: the high-spirited " Sons and Daughters of the Grassland" , the jubilant " Benediction" (also known as " Blessing" ), the serene beauty of" Princess WenCheng" the magical "Incredible Phoenix ", the deeply emotional " Yearning " and the patriotic fervor of "The Red Detachment of Women", are all representative chapters from the history of dance in China. You are our invited audience, in this theater of the mind, to explore each scene and change of mood, experiencing and appreciating the joys and sorrows of these stories told in dance.
We have chosen the Symphony Orchestra of Central Ballet Group for this recording. Their familiarity with the music performed and their deep understanding of the intimate relationship between music and movement makes them uniquely qualified to provide the closest approximation of the drama of a live theatrical performance.
The Central Ballet Troupe enjoys great prestige throughout the world, and has been referred to as “the Royal Family of Chinese Ballet" , and represents the apex of contemporary Asian dance. The Symphony Orchestra's artists, with dozens of years of artistic experience, have a deep understanding of musical theater and how an orchestral performance can enhance the beauty of a performance. Their talents combine with that of the dancers on stage, in perfect coordination, to create a sparkling theatrical event.
Winds, Brass and Strings all combine in elegant harmony, weaving their timbres to create a compelling musical narrative. One need only listen to their performance of the excerpts from “The Red Detachment of Women" , a work these musicians have performed many times over the years, to appreciate the artistry and enthusiasm of every performance.
Not only is "The Red Detachment of Women" given a vivid performance, this very special disc presents the first CD release of several important ballet scores, including selections from " The Sons and Daughters of the Grassland" , a score that includes the Xiao (a Chinese bamboo flute) and the Matoqin (Mongolian National Minority horse's head fiddle) in the orchestra to add a rich national folk flavor to the music and "Princess WenCheng", which incorporates the traditional melodies and rhythms of the Tibetan National minority in the Lover' s Pas de Deux - a movement that will remain in the memory long after the music has stopped - as well as the exquisitely sorrowful "Grieving for the Dead" (or " Passing Away" ), and the intense folk song inspirations of "Blessing" - all of which have become enduring classics through the superb productions of the Central Ballet.
Our recording also features the expertise of Li DaKang, one of the top recording engineers in Asia who oversaw this recording made in the famous 800 square m eter, state-of-the-art studios at CCTV - studios whose spacious facilities and perfect acoustics make it the envy of Asia' s recording halls. The master was recorded in DSD 5.1 channel, Surround Sound made on the most advance equipment available. and was then shipped to the acclaimed German studio Pauler Accoustic for post production and final ma stering. Throughout the process of recording this project, every effort was made to be completely committed to the authenticity and integrity of each and every song and create a recording representative of the highest standards of modern audio production. Our recording also features an historic musical treasure - a prized Concert Grand Piano. This legendary piano was said to have been a gift from the German Reich to the Japanese Emperor Hirohito but was confiscated in transit by the Chinese and was never delivered to the Emperor. This wonderful instrument, once a spoil of war has been lovingly restored and now sounds its notes for peace.
This is the dance, and the music of the dance. Waves of orchestral sound will touch your heart. Listen and experience this journey to far-away places and long-ago times and allow yourself to be transported instantaneously. For half a century, there has been a magical flower that has taken root in China, and she still blooms never to wither or die.


张艺 音乐总监、首席指挥

录音助理:林强军 冯汉英
艺术指导:史志有 李对升
翻译:Joshua Cheek
后期制作:德国Pauler Accoustic
