东京罗曼史(经典动人名曲 温暖古典吉他 东京录制)

志野 文音 2020-04-16发行
东京罗曼史 「東京罗曼史」 From Tokyo to Spain… with Love
志野 文音/Ayane Shino
A Chamber Music Odyssey with Classical Guitar


A silent cascade of pure white snowflakes, like thousands of stars, are falling from the night sky, floating among the towering buildings, whisking past the windows of slowly moving trams, a shimmering symphony of light. The year draws to its festive conclusion, and the holidays begin their official countdown, marking its passing. The sound of bells reverberating in my ears, the sparkle of candles evoking memories of the years that have passed, and a hundred beautiful memories all come flooding back into my heart.
Like a music box full of memories, the intimate sound of a classical guitar, enveloped in an artful accompaniment of piano and strings fills the silence like an intimate poem. "Asturias", "Variations on a Theme of Mozart", “Sunflower " ... legendary music from the other side of the distant night sky, comes to us with the warmth of a Mediterranean breeze on this cold winter night, soothing in shivering crowds on crowded city street. "Silent Night", "Always With Me", "Estrellita" ... The popular melodies reawaken innocent dreams from our youth, and invites us to relieve the memories of our past through it’s inviting sound.
In December 2018, Rhymoi producer Ye Yunchuan travelled to the bustling international metropolis of Tokyo. The city of lit up like a gigantic video game, immersed in the colorful glory of the neon lights celebrating the festive season and illuminating the way to the future. Ye Yunchuan had come to meet with a number of Japanese artists led by emerging musician Ayane Shino to record a an intimate album timeless musical treasures featuring the delicate sound of the classical guitar at the famed Wakabadai Concert Hall near Tokyo. The classical guitar born in Spain hundreds of years ago, flourishing under the bright and dazzling sun of the Iberian Peninsula, eventually becoming one of the world's three major musical instruments alongside the piano and violin with its infinite charm. The classical guitar was introduced to East Asia in the early 20th century, where it not only caused a sensation in Japan, but also became most popular western instruments for generations of Chinese. Even our producer, Ye Yunchuan, first learned music when he picked up the classical guitar at the age of 13. For Ye Yunchuan, this album has special significance, it is a “homecoming” of sorts, a reliving of the guitar’s history from a uniquely personal perspective, drawing together a program of music that was re-played in a foreign land, evoking all the beautiful longing and memories accumulated with the passing of years.
Ayane Shino, who plays guitar on this album, graduated with honors from the Tokyo University of the Arts and received a doctorate degree. She has been active in Japan and overseas in recent years. Although she has played guitar since a child, she was able to record continuously for twelve hours, while always maintaining a steady expression of technique and a gentle and sweet smile. The deep, warm temperament of Spanish classical music and the poetic connotation of Dong Yan's aesthetics are perfectly blended their performances and positively radiate and impressive emotional energy! After the recording work that day, producer Ye Yunchuan and the Japanese artists said their farewells outside the snowy Shinjuku station. People from different countries rely on their love of music to transform from strangers to becoming close friends even through the briefest of encounters. This wonderful life experience once again shows the great power of music to communicate human emotions. At a time of the change when old and new seem locked in a struggle, it is even more exciting when a beautiful new option presents itself to lead the way to a better future.

志野 文音 博士毕业于东京艺术大学。她曾获第30届日本青少年吉他比赛金奖,在波兰Krakow国家管弦乐团担任钢琴独奏与乐团共演,并作为吉他演奏家与指挥家曾我大介及鹿儿岛交响乐团共演。她参加过巴西的Londrina音乐节,并举行了个人独奏会。她还获得过胡佩尔和平祈念钢琴比赛优秀奖(第4位)、第4回日本巴哈钢琴比赛大学・大学院部奖励奖(第4位),并结成组合“Siesta”进行全日本巡演(“2013 Siesta Live Tour超越种类的融合‘CROSS OVER’”)。她在东京艺术大学就读期间,曾获得奖励学内成绩优秀者的安宅奖等,并作为首席毕业于音乐环境创造科,毕业时获得Acanthus音乐奖。2016年,在洛杉矶举办的AES Recording Competition中,由她担任吉他演奏的古典吉他多重录音5ch环绕声作品获得了GOLD AWARD(最高奖)。此外,她也在川崎交响乐厅举办的交响乐团的游戏音乐之夜~最终幻想IX“Vamo’Alla Flamenco”中担任吉他演奏嘉宾。近年来,她发表了吉他独奏专辑“RENDEZ VOUS”,大量参演日本国内及海外的动画、电影、TVCM中的音乐,还出演了广告、广播、杂志等媒体节目,并在纽约举办了海外公演等活动。目前她正担任日本国立音乐大学非常勤讲师、东京艺术大学音响研究室教育研究助手,以及日本少年•吉他教育协会常务理事。

叶云川 音乐制作人,美国格莱美协会会员,创立中国声誉卓著的音乐品牌“瑞鸣音乐”,并任制作人,中国传媒大学艺术创作导师,中国金唱片奖最佳音乐人特别奖获得者。从事音乐创作、制作多年,获海内外重要音乐媒体高度评价,部分作品被海外唱片公司收录出版,所制作的音乐作品在高端音乐市场得到较大认同,并远销海外,成绩斐然。担任制作人的唱片及音乐作品曾多次获“美国独立音乐大奖”“中国金唱片奖”“中华优秀出版奖”“华语音乐传媒大奖”等一百五十余个奖项,作品多次入选“CD圣经”等海内外专业评比。因多年与国际音乐制作及出版行业的密切合作经历,音乐创作理念及制作手段具有国际化的开阔视角。

吉他/Guitar: 志野 文音/ Ayane Shino
吉他重奏/Guitar:沟渊 仁启/Masashi Mizobuchi
小提琴/Violin:桑田 佳奈/Kana Kuwata
大提琴/Cello:伊石 昂平/ Kohei Iseki
音乐统筹/Music Coordinator:李英姿/ Li Yingzi
录音工程师/Recording /Mix Engineer::小岛 幸雄 Yukio Kojima
录音助理:Recording Engineer Assistant:柳泽 贵子 Yanagizawa Takako
录音地点Recording Hall: 稻城市若叶台音乐厅 Inagi Municipal iPLAZA Hall

出品人:丁磊 叶云川
英文文案:Joshua Cheek
