星空(爵士风格轻松愉悦 美国录制趣味弹奏)

星空Starry Sky
重奏流行音乐史上的不朽金曲 世界舞台上的经典瞬间 随时代流转 点亮
是1944年的孤岛上海,叮铃铃的电车摇铃声中,周璇以一曲《凤凰于飞》,唤起千家万户的离愁情思。重逢1951年的花都巴黎,香颂女王Edith Piaf凭借《在巴黎的天空下》,将对这座浪漫都会的爱与追忆在世人心中永远铭记。邂逅1963年纽约的冬夜,瑟瑟寒风唤起The Mamas & The Papas乐队成员对温暖故乡的怀念,催生了烙印着时代标志的单曲《加州梦想》。回归1970年洋溢着圣诞气氛的华盛顿,整夜的曲思如涌不但造就了历史上最伟大的美国乡村歌曲《乡村路带我回家》,也开启了巨星John Denver辉煌灿烂的人生历程……风华绝代的伟大歌手,传唱流芳百世的浪漫情歌,宛若永不陨落的星辰点点,交相辉映于不同时代的夜空,随四季交替世事变迁,留驻了多少记忆中最珍贵的璀璨瞬间。
瑞鸣音乐制作人叶云川自言早年挚爱乡村音乐巨星John Denver演唱的《乡村路带我回家》,不但深受其艺术风格感染,并以这首脍炙人口的歌曲作为日后开始音乐创作生涯的原动力与起点,遂此次重归初心,在美国、意大利、法国、中国、日本等地区的经典歌曲中甄选素材,于活力旺盛的洛杉矶西好莱坞倾力再制动人金曲。原曲发行年代自上世纪四十年代中至七十年代末,横跨流行乐史多个重要时期,承载青春梦想和离合悲欢,令数代人梦萦魂系。经由好莱坞资深作曲家Josh Nelson乐思荡漾灵感并发的重新编排锻造,串串乐音更添轻柔恬美,如葡萄酒杯中那些清澈明亮的桃花木色液体,在陈年的酿造中褪去苦涩,柔顺如丝。
美国跨界乐团技巧精湛感染力超凡的风情演绎,此次同样令人赞叹不已。亚美尼亚裔大提琴手Artyom Manukyan尤为擅长表现世界民族音乐风格,弓下弦音于明快绚烂和梦幻幽远之间自由切换,精妙绝伦。打击乐手Brad Dutz二十余载服务于电影伴奏事业,独具创意将旧钥匙悬挂于音束之下,再创玲珑新声。加之爵士新星Sara Gazarek和唱作才女Kathleen Grace两位曼妙女郎的甜美歌唱,身兼编曲、演奏二职的Josh Nelson出神入化的键盘技艺,爵士吉他手Will Brahm等资深演奏家得心应手的灵动演绎,以西方音乐人洒脱奔放的现场表现力诠释东方美学空灵致远的意境,令人耳目一新。

First light shimmers over the horizon, then crawls across the landscape, before filling the empty city streets. The noon sun blazes down on the now bustling sidewalks, where people of all walks of life come and go, and bounces off the glass walls of the towering skyscrapers. Then, night falls, whisking the sun away, making way for the solemn yet brilliant moon, which listens silently as a laugh fills the otherwise quiet lantern-lined streets. Time passes, and the world turns, the face of the city always changing, but forever filled with the same breath, the rhythm of the city consistent in its never-ending cycle, as countless stories and legends are born and hidden among the streets, their only witness the stars above, as they sing this endless, silent song.
In 1944, during the “isolated island” period of Shanghai, among the bells of the trolley cars, a singer named Zhou Xuan, with her song “Phoenix”, captured the hearts of countless listeners. Soon thereafter, in Paris of 1951, chanteuse Edith Piaf, with “Sous le ciel de Paris”, forever engraved the love and memories of this romantic city in the hearts of her listeners. In the cold of a winter night in 1963 New York, the Mamas and the Papas, through their warm memories of their hometown, created a song which would go on to represent the entire era, “California Dreaming”. In Washington, DC of 1970, amongst the vibrant Christmas atmosphere, a late-night inspiration not only led to one of the greatest country songs of all time, “Take Me Home Country Road”, it also launched the career of superstar John Denver. These timeless and incomparable artists each sing the songs of their own times and lives, creating bright stars that will fill the sky with their brightness for all time, their light intertwining, watching silently as the world turns below.
Rhymoi Music producer Ye Yunchuan tells that he is a long-standing fan of John Denver’s “Take Me Home Country Road”, having not only been deeply influenced by his artistic style, this madly popular song would also go on to serve as the original motivation and starting point for Ye’s future career in music composition. For this album, Ye returned to this early time in his life, and collected classic songs from countries including America, Italy, France, China and Japan, and while in Hollywood recorded cover versions of these timeless songs. The release dates of the original songs range from the 40s to the late 70s, spanning several important eras in the history of music, times filled with dreams of youth and the joys and sorrows of life, including countless songs that touched the lives of listeners throughout the world. Veteran Hollywood composer Josh Nelson rearranged the newly inspired recordings, each track filled with passion and vigor, like an aged fine wine, inherently delectable, and only further perfected through time.
The performance by the American band includes techniques ranging across the world and through time, for an absolutely stunning compilation. Armenian folk musician Artyom Manukyan shows his talent for the music of the world, the sound of his strings mesmerizing and captivating beyond words. Percussionist Brad Dutz, who has provided music for film for over two decades, has created his own unique sound by hanging old keys from beneath sound beams. Jazz up-and-comer Sara Gazarek and singer-songwriter Kathleen Grace lend their tender voices, while Josh Nelson provides both musical arrangement and his incredible piano skills, while other experienced musicians such as guitarist Will Brahm offer their rich talents and inspiration, using catchy Western-style rhythms to interpret melodies from the Far East, to surprising effect.
Now, let us allow the music to do the talking, to revisit ageless stars always present but never forgotten, as they fill the world with the light of their music, awakening your soul through your ears, beginning an epic journey through the night. As you lose yourself among the mesmerizing melodies of all corners of the world, from within the sweet vocals and irresistible beats you’ll find a place where time becomes fragmented like light, making it all the more beautiful.

Josh Nelson 作曲家,钢琴家,出生及成长于美国加州南部。清新自然而颇具个人特征的音乐风格,使他在行业内获得了诸多赞誉,赢得包括路易斯·阿姆斯特朗奖在内的众多奖项,从而在爵士音乐领域中享有一席之地。在本张专辑的制作中,他担纲编曲一职,并在现场录音的过程中负责钢琴的演奏。
多年来,Josh录制了大量的音乐唱片、电影、电视节目,并为在黄金时段播出的有线电视网节目和电影短片创作配乐。此外他还发行了多张个人创作专辑,包括《Anticipation》(2004)、《Let it Go》(2007)、《I Hear a Rhapsody》(2009)、《Discoveries》(2011)、《Exploring Mars》(2015)等等,作为一名爵士钢琴家,他也曾经与Natalie Cole、Anthony Wilson、George Mraz等多位爵士名家合作演出。

编曲(Arranger):Josh Nelson
钢琴(Piano):Josh Nelson
键盘(keyboard):Josh Nelson
吉他(Guitar):Will Brahm
大提琴(Cello):Artyom Manukyan
女声独唱(Vocals):Kathleen Grace
女声独唱(Vocals):Sara Gazarek
小号(Trumpet):Chris Lawrence
贝斯(Bass):Dave Robaire / Anna Butterss
鼓(Drums): Dan Schnelle
打击乐(Percussion):Brad Dutz
录音棚(Recording Studio):Tritone Studios
混音和制作工作室(Mixing and mastering Studio):Tritone Studios

出品/监制:丁磊 叶云川
录音:Talley Sherwood
英文文案:Nicholas Angiers
市场统筹:刘军 张威
105D 蓝光播放机
Sonica Wi-Fi音箱
PM-2 平面振膜耳机