世界的声音(九种语言演绎经典 洛杉矶多元文化展现)

The Global Voice
六位女伶重唱传世名曲 以九种语言描绘世界听觉风景
Six divas revisit classic songs, portraying an auditory adaptation of the world in nine different languages.
继收获了诸多赞誉的《星空》专辑之后,瑞鸣音乐制作人叶云川再度与好莱坞资深作曲家Josh Nelson,以及其所邀请的美国跨界乐团进行合作,于洛杉矶西好莱坞录音棚力创佳作。除了Josh Nelson充满无限创造力的精湛编曲技艺,以及乐团成员依然出神入化的现场演绎之外,本次录制过程中的最大亮点,就是为专辑献唱的六位女歌手。出身于不同的地域而齐聚于此的她们,以纷彩异呈但同样具备高度艺术感染力的演唱技巧,在重现原曲韵味的同时,也呈现出一种清新跳跃的视觉感觉,使人仿佛置身于变幻的光影和流动的风景之中。

Do you remember? Those deep blue skies, the carefree song of the birds fluttering overhead. The surface of the sea, speckled with starlight, as the waves crash tirelessly against the shore. The dance of raindrops across flower petals on a quiet afternoon. The rustling whisper of fallen leaves in the autumn wind. When human language was first created, perhaps it was in imitation of the melodies of nature. The sounds of the world, be they tender, intense, crystalline, or tenebrous, throughout the ages of history, have become the whisper of a lover, the lullaby of a mother, the greeting of an old friend, or the muffled cries of one’s heart.
Aside from the thousands of languages in the world, there are also thousands of rhythms and melodies to accompany them. German, hailing from the cold north, bears the deep somberness of its peaks and forests, and the crispness of its winters. Spanish, born in the warm south of Europe, which later sailed across the Atlantic to the Americas, is full of the vigor and vitality of the bright sun, and a spontaneous, carefree feel much like dancing. Japanese, with its delicate and cordial intonations, encapsulates the rustic charm of this Far East archipelago. Filipino, its home in the tropical islands of the Pacific, feels like a friend from just beyond memory, and invokes images of the cultural fusion of the Southern Seas, along with azure waves crashing on white beaches adorned with palm trees. There’s also French, with its vigorous yet supple sound; Mandarin, with its lush imagery and incomparable poetic qualities; English, concise, straightforward yet still incredibly elegant; Italian, with its rising and falling crescendos like music to the ear; and Portuguese, exquisite and melodious. Each of these languages has its own cadence, and forms the basis for the many different cultures and peoples of the world.
Language is like a mirror, reflecting the piece of sky beneath which it exists, while at the same time it is also a window, offering a glimpse of the multifarious sceneries of the world, each more captivating than the last. This album was recorded in nine representative languages of the world, namely English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Filipino and Italian, to bring you 12 classic songs from Europe, Asia and the Americas. A single compilation is by no means sufficient to express all of the sentiments that these languages have to offer, but it can act as a gateway by which the listener may take part in a magical journey throughout our incredible world.
After the warm reception of their previous collaboration on Starry Sky, Rhymoi Music Producer and veteran Hollywood composer Josh Nelson combine their talents once again, featuring performances by a transboundary American band, with recording carried out in a Hollywood studio. In addition to the composer’s immense creative talent and the band’s superb live performances, the greatest highlight of this album is the six female vocalists. Each hailing from different regions of the world, they come together with their vastly distinct yet equally impressive professional skills, to revive the original feel of these songs, while also infusing them with a fresh, lively visual sense, so that one feels as if they are within the miraculously wonderful scenes described in the lyrics.
Sitting down and listening quietly to “Child” will transport one to a fragrant, tropical atmosphere, and invoke deep longing for one’s warmest memories. Amidst the somber yet soothing and elegant melody of “Hope You Are There”, one may recall the serene sensation of gazing at the common moon. As “The Last Waltz” draws to an end, so does an unforgettable binding, its conclusion taking place in the fog-shrouded, lamp-lit streets of London. Language, as the most touching sound possible in the human world, bears both the unique aspects of its birthplace, and the common sentiment of mankind. Amidst the lingering melody of “Li Hi Tabidachi”, all of the wonderful places on Earth we have ever yearned for come flooding back into our mind’s eye.
Josh Nelson 作曲家,钢琴家,出生及成长于美国加州南部。清新自然而颇具个人特征的音乐风格,使他在行业内获得了诸多赞誉,赢得包括路易斯·阿姆斯特朗奖在内的众多奖项,从而在爵士音乐领域中享有一席之地。在本张专辑的制作中,他担纲编曲一职,并在现场录音的过程中负责钢琴的演奏。
多年来,Josh录制了大量的音乐唱片、电影、电视节目,并为在黄金时段播出的有线电视网节目和电影短片创作配乐。此外他还发行了多张个人创作专辑,包括《Anticipation》(2004)、《Let it Go》(2007)、《I Hear a Rhapsody》(2009)、《Discoveries》(2011)、《Exploring Mars》(2015)等等,作为一名爵士钢琴家,他也曾经与Natalie Cole、Anthony Wilson、George Mraz等多位爵士名家合作演出。
编曲、钢琴、键盘/Arranger,Piano,keyboard:Josh Nelson
吉他/Guitar:Will Brahm
小提琴/Violin: Paul Cartwright
贝司/Bass:Dave Robaire
打击乐/Percussion: Dan Schnelle
口琴/Harmonica: Ross Garren
萨克斯/Saxophone: Danny Janklow
录音师/Recording Engineer: Talley Sherwood
录音助理/Recording Assistant: Jerry Zhu
录音棚/Recording Studio:Tritone Studios
混音师/Mix: Adam Kagan
混音工作室/Mixing mastering Studio:Adam Kagan Studio

出品/监制:丁磊 叶云川
英文文案:Nicholas Angiers
平面设计:殷鹏飞 郑国翔 王艺浩
市场统筹:刘军 张威