老友进行曲(手风琴古董级十二把 经典名曲名家聚)

群星 2017-06-28发行
老友进行曲A Song for an Old Friend

A musical instrument is a fascinating object. It remains in its little dark space, in an enclosed case and box, as if in deep, perpetual, and as time passes it gathers dust. Until, of course, a pair of skilful hands find it, and infuse it with life through the artist’s passion, awakening songs from within the instrument that are never forgotten even after years. Memories of the past flood into the world through the instrument’s notes, its stories creating waves of emotion inside the listener.
The song of an antique accordion fills with its song the cobble stone streets bathed in sunlight, the courtyard park as the bell tower announces the arrival of evening. Its music can also be heard throughout the verdant meadows and lush forests, among the sprawling wildflower-lined paths of the mountain villages, high up into the clear azure sky, and across all the land below. It can even be heard on the battlefield amidst cannon fire and wafting smoke, and on the hand-built stage as locals crowd around hanging on every note and applauding their approval. The instrument’s perfectly preserved air box sways back and forth as nimble fingers dance across its keys, resonating like a pleasant dream. This age-worn accordion is like a poet traveling across space and time, recalling with vivid imagery times long gone but never faded, countless moments of passion, joy, sorrow, hesitation and longing.
The accordion is a free reed instrument that was invented in Berlin, Germany in 1822. Throughout the century that followed, European emigrants gradually brought it with them to all corners of all continents. During the first two World Wars, the accordion was introduced to China by Russia, first appearing in Shanghai and the northeast, then dispersing from there. After the founding of New China, the accordion, with its lively tune and ease of portability, became one of the most popular instruments of the era, and remains a fond memory among several generations of the Chinese.
In 2017,artist Tian Jiaqing, as executive producer, joins forces with Chinese accordionist Jiang Jie, to take you on a trip back in time, and be reunited with old friends. After traveling across China to select over a dozen antique accordions originating from both domestic and overseas brands, Mr. Ye then invited renowned accordion players spanning three generations, who then gathered in Beijing to record songs from throughout the world. This is the largest such collaboration of Chinese accordion artists ever, and a remarkable event in China’s music history. Recording artist Li Dakang, armed with the most powerful direct stream digital recording equipment in the world, captures live recordings of the performances, bringing the beautiful melodies of the talented artists on these antique accordions to you to enjoy at any time. These artists hail from every corner of Europe, the Americas and Asia, and, with their wonderful handcrafted instruments, unfold before you the magic of timeless classic songs, be it the exquisiteness and boldness of Italy, the extravagance and romanticism of France, the affection and melancholy of Russia, dynamism and vigor of the United States, or the passion and refined implicitness of China, as if taking you on a journey across the world to explore its many cultures and landscapes.
In order to achieve the highest level of artistry, Rhymoi producer Mr. Ye Yunchuan also provided guidance to each of the performers at the recording venue, so as to more effectively capture their personal memories of and attachments to the songs. With Mr. Ye’s direction, young Sichuan accordion artist He Qian gave a performance of “Phil Tango” that was both melodious and thrilling. Folk musician Wang Baosheng, from Dalian, recorded a version of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” unlike any other you’ve heard before, filled with warmth and childlike innocence. Jiang Jie, possibly the most prominent artist of his generation, surpassed the restrictions inherent of the present times with his recording of “The Waters of the Rivers”, its outro bursting with explosive expression. And when 82-year-old artist Ren Shirong, on a 1979 Chinese-produced accordion, performed the classic theme song to Railway Guerrillas, which he had rearranged himself, the beloved melody and sense of timelessness left Ye Yunchuan and others in attendance simply at a loss for words.
When classic songs are played on precious antique accordions by master artists, when time, dreams and life meet and fuse, the melodies are infused with the magic of memory, as if they are time capsules containing the essence of the soul. These songs are brought together, filling the world with their unforgettable charm, as an homage to the magnificence of yesteryear, as well as a welcome to the generations to come.
姜杰 中央音乐学院手风琴考级专家委员会主任,北京姜杰钢琴琴城音乐舞蹈学校校长,中国键盘手风琴联盟名誉主席,原解放军军乐团演出队手风琴演奏家。

李大康 中国传媒大学音乐与录音学院教授、壹级录音师、中国录音师协会理事。
从事录音工作三十多年,以认真负责、严谨细致的工作作风和全面扎实的录音技术,以及丰富的录音实践经验著称,与众多艺术团体及艺术家合作,录制了上千个节目,并形成了自然、纯朴、细腻的音响风格。主要获奖作品有《清明上河图》获亚广联 “放送基金大奖”;《台湾幻想曲》获法国“戛纳”唱片展大奖;其它有影响的作品有李谷一、彭丽媛等歌唱家和马思聪、李焕之等新老一辈作曲家的专辑。曾多次录制文化部春晚等国家级大型文艺演出。

出品/监制:丁磊 叶云川
录音助理:谭淞 续乐逸
市场统筹:刘军 张威
后期制作: Adam Kagan(U.S.A)

105D 蓝光播放器
Sonica Wi-Fi音箱
PM-2 平面振膜耳机