黑白风景(钢琴与各种民乐对话 串联起民歌中国韵律)

冯丹 2006-03-28发行
The Scenery Of Black And White
钢琴邀民乐曼舞 歌谣偕梦境玲珑

为了完美记录和再现旋律的妩媚动人,亦为了凝炼保存编创演奏时的点滴灵感火花,令他们能够真切迫近地传递到每一个听者的耳中,专辑诚邀中国唯一进入TAS榜的著名录音师李小沛先生操刀,选用中央电视台480平米模拟录音棚精湛录制。德国著名的Pauler Acoustics录音棚全程严谨完成专辑的后期制作及母版制造。

Being used to the music played by the piano and other western musical instruments, when you firstly listen to the one played by the piano and some oriental musical instruments such as Pipa, Bamboo flute and Guzheng etc, you may have a totally different hearing feeling just like fresh and clear wind flow on your face or a creative new picture drew by ink and decorated by sparkle colors.
There is a kind of new fashionable way in trends circle, which is named Crossover. Today, we use the name on our musical album to tell you a new expression way for the piano and oriental traditional instruments. This kind of playing combination might give you a whole new experience.
The crossover, or dialogue, between the black-white array on the piano and the indisputable appearance of traditional instruments is so beautiful, harmonious, joyful, and rhythmic that it can only be compared with sounds of nature.
“The wind is different every hundred miles apart, as the folk song is different every ten miles apart.” How beautiful the folk song is? The essence of liveliness sounds like pulse beating handed down from mouth to the ear, and the numerous beautiful but simple folk songs are like flowers, miraculous and assailing the nostrils.
The folk song’s voice one’s feelings in a direct way without any polish. It is natural and its beauty is embodied in their roughness. Remembrance of them means admiration and charming.
Somebody said that folk songs can be called the “mother tongue” of music. Thus, their variety is changeable. If the piano, the king of musical instruments of the West, is employed to translate Chinese notes, it must be a great fun.
This collection contains 12 pieces of Chinese classic folk songs, different in styles. As far as the region is concerned, they are from Jilin –- in the east of China, Xinjiang—in the west of China, Taiwan – in the south of China and Mongolia – to the north of China, covering all the music territory of China. They are created by different nationalities, such as the Han, Korean, Mongolian, Kazakstan, and Buyi people. As for style, it includes tranquility from the“A Half Moon Climbs Up”; warmth from“Skylark”; elegy from “Senjidema”; gentleness from“Scenery of Wuxi”. The 12 pieces are different in styles. That all the notes gathered together makes it hard for us to take them all. Once they are mingled with Western piano notes, sparks will fly off in all direction, magnificent and splendid.
The extraordinary expression of the piano brings about its dazzling outlook with brilliant tinkling rhythms that is familiar to the ear. The year-tempered rhythms of folk songs disclose their lofty temperament of pure essence on the piano. Sparkling traditional instruments with various tones make not retreat, a clear tinkling or a dot and patch strike can paint a beautiful landscape of high mountains, horizontal scene and water margin. As a harmony instrument, the piano heightens the background appropriately, providing various mixed notes that are people’s favorites.
The“Osmanthus is Waiting for the Guests”played by the Bawu mingled with the piano presents the scene of a bright and fragrant southern night;
The horse-head fiddle playing of“Senjidema” brings before our eyes the wide pasture, accompanied by slow lyric piano playing;
The “Balloonflower” is a dialogue among the Erhu, the bamboo flute and the piano accompanied by the changko;
The portrayal of the “Night is fallen in” played by light piano and Shakuhachi is too beautiful to come true;
The nice note of “Skylark” is of strong Kazakstan temperament because of Dutar and bamboo flute playing accompanied by the piano and conga to develop its warmth and enthusiasm;
The notes of the “Scenery of Wuxi” played by the Pipa and the piano as if two roles in the Suzhou storytelling ballad, tell us the loveliness of the water country of the South of china;
The sweetest tune the “Berceuse” played by the Sheng and the piano brings us back to our childhood in a soft and comfortable way.
The 12 pieces of folk music stir up music imagination in our hearts. During the hearing journey, we can experience excitement as if they are 12 pieces of recollection. That this time the leading player of Chinese symphony orchestra, FengDan, plays softly on the invaluable Bosendorfer piano accompanied by many kinds of traditional instruments and musicians from different nationalities, gives our ear enjoyments anew.
In order to record and replay the charming tune in a perfect way and refine and preserve the heart-touching performance for our listeners, the famous recording engineer Li Xiaopei, the sole listed at TAS, has the music recorded at the 480 square-meter CCTV recording studio. And then the famous German Pauler Acoustics. recording studio completed the postproduction.
The dialogue between the piano and traditional instruments works as if fragrant fruit meets the mellow ice-cream left fragrance in your mouth, ever sweet and ever enjoyable. Although you experienced tranquility, sadness and even bitterness, in the end you will taste mental refreshment gladdening your heart. This kind of refreshment comes from your dreamy and wakening memory, from your exciting appreciation, from your ease and excitement, perhaps, from your luck. In the boundless universe, that two things meet is a kind of luck, the dialogue of playing two kinds of instruments is also a kind of luck, and so are the breath and hearing.

钢琴:冯丹 中国交响乐团演奏家
琵琶/阮:张强 中央音乐学院教师演奏家
笛/箫/尺八/埙/排箫:杜聪 总政歌剧院演奏家
古琴:赵家珍 中央音乐学院教师演奏家
二胡/中胡:陈军 解放军军乐团演奏家
巴乌/葫芦丝/箫:戴亚 中央音乐学院教师演奏家
古筝:张晓红 空政歌舞团演奏家
康加/钢片琴/小打:刘刚 中央音乐学院教师演奏家
汉笙:李光六 中国音乐学院演奏家
朝鲜长鼓:金龙珠 中央民族歌舞团演奏家
艾捷克/都塔尔:阿地力 中央民族歌舞团演奏家
马头琴:金山 蒙古族演奏家

录音助理:王恒 刘博
后期制作:德国老虎鱼Pauler Acoustics