世界的民歌 金色的布鲁斯(弹布鲁斯唱世界的歌)

群星 2019-12-25发行
Golden Blues – A Folk Song Journey Around the World
曾经参与录制《蓝调&中国》专辑的美国乐团,在制作人叶云川的召集下,再次重聚天使之城洛杉矶。担纲作曲的依然是常居加州的Ross Garren和出身澳门的Nick DePinna,他们尽管性格迥异,却在十余年的合作中结下了深厚的情谊。曾与布鲁斯之王B B King搭档演出,并多次获得格莱美奖,在专辑中负责钢琴演奏的Russell,则被这两位年轻的作曲家视为自己的恩师。任教于加州大学洛杉矶分校,同时也是Nick妻子的音乐才女Hitomi Oba,展示了高超的萨克斯演奏技艺。此外,她也与另外两位知名歌手Chelsea Williams及George Krikes ,共同为专辑奉献了自己宽厚爽朗的歌声。
这群来自于不同的国家与地区,拥有不同的母语,彼此却被友情、爱情、亲情所牵引的资深音乐人,以洒脱愉悦的布鲁斯,作为共同的语言,演绎充满异域风情的动人歌谣。他们之间柔情温暖而又时刻迸发着奇思妙想的音乐互动,加上曾经为迈克尔·杰克逊、麦当娜等流行音乐巨星制作专辑的著名混音师Dave Way的高超技艺,令布鲁斯韵律仿佛携带着金色的魔法,在录音棚中尽情嬉戏,让这方寸天地延伸至天涯海角,为所有人带来愉悦隽永的心灵体验。

The sound of a guitar being lazily strummed can be heard in the distance, and dusk begins to fall. A swinging melody on the piano starts up and the lights begin to flicker on in a ramshackle bar. The music starts to keeps time for the people on the dance floor, embellished their swinging dance steps with syncopated rhythms. The clear sound of a trombone is heard, accompanied by the boisterous conversation and raucous laughter; these are the sounds of roadhouses and honkey tonks from ages past, where hard working folks would gather to drink, dance and listen to music. And, as the mellow seductive sound of the saxophone would suggest, also stir up memories and even romance, fueled by the amber glasses of liquid courage served up by the bucketful!
On this album, you will hear folk songs from all corners of the world blended in the free and happy rhythms of the blues. It is almost as if friends from around the world, have travelled and come together to tell stories and share the songs of their homelands. The free-spirited “El Carretero” is tells of the enchanting nights of Havana. The soothing and melancholy “Going Home” portrays the undulating waves of the Vltava River. “Dounann Kudoki” describes the desolate and magnificent coastline of Hokkaido with unique, psychedelic colors. The Indonesian song “Sing Sing So” transports us to Sumatra and a tropical rainforest set on the edge of a volcanic lake in the silvery light of the moon. Many distant musical scenes, are translated into something beautiful and new, being given a lively blues interpretation.
Following the “When The Blues Meet Chinese Folk Music” album, Rhymoi Music continues its unique musical path and has opened a new musical fantasy where the Blues and classic folk songs from around the world can meet on the same plane. Folk songs are the poems of the people,they have their roots deep in their native soil. They are both phantoms carrying forgotten memories and like the petal flowers scattered in every corner of the world. Their beauty is pure and unaffected. The same is true of the Blues; a unique musical form with its roots in Africa, later reaching is maturity in the pop culture of the United States. Here, the Blues becomes the master of ceremonies, welcoming all who decide to stop by to share their own songs. This is Blue for everyone, the classic songs of people from around the world, eager to share some special golden moments full of joy and relaxation.
The American artists who were involved in the recording of the “When The Blues Meet Chinese Folk Music” album, once again gathered Los Angeles under the auspices of producer Ye Yunchuan. Ross Garren also returns and is still composing, together with Nick DePinna, from Macau. Although they have different backgrounds, they have formed a deep friendship in more than ten years of cooperation. He has performed with the King of Blues, BB King, and has won many Grammy Awards. Russell, who played piano on the album, is considered a mentor by these two young composers. He taught at the University of California at Los Angeles. Also appearing is Nick's wife, Hitomi Oba, who demonstrated her superb saxophone performance skills. In addition, she also contributed her own generous and hearty songs to the album with two other famous singers, Chelsea Williams and George Krikes.
This group of musicians from different countries and regions, who have different native languages have been joined in by friendship, love and affection, through music of the Blues as a common language to rediscover this folk songs from many lands. They are soft and warm, and they always have a whimsical musical interaction, plus the superb skills of the famous mixer Dave who made albums for pop stars like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Pink, etc., making this Blues album pure GOLD! May this world of harmony extend to the ends of the earth, bringing a pleasant and enduring spiritual experience to everyone.
Ross Garren 作曲家,钢琴及口风琴演奏家,南加州大学作曲专业的优秀毕业生,目前居住在美国加州洛杉矶市。作为一名非常活跃的自由音乐人,他曾与Ben Golds、Kesha、Marco Beltrami、Austin Wintory等名家共同录制唱片,并多次获得由美国作曲家协会颁发的年轻爵士作曲家奖。在日常的演出及创作活动之外,他也是圣丹斯研究所音乐与声音设计部门的特别会员,并任教于美国洛杉矶音乐学院。
Nick DePinna 作曲家,音乐制作人,毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校,曾在James W. Newton、Paul Chihara、David Lefkowitz等著名音乐人的指导下进行学习。他在音乐创作方面涉猎甚广,经常为各种有线电视网节目和独立电影创作配乐,同时也从事商业音乐的制作。人们在美国广播公司、HBO电视网、国家地理野生频道、福克斯体育频道等节目中经常能够听到由他所创作的配乐作品。

叶云川 音乐制作人,美国格莱美协会会员,创立中国声誉卓著的音乐品牌“瑞鸣音乐”,并任制作人,中国传媒大学艺术创作导师,中国金唱片奖最佳音乐人特别奖获得者。从事音乐创作、制作多年,获海内外重要音乐媒体高度评价,部分作品被海外唱片公司收录出版,所制作的音乐作品在高端音乐市场得到较大认同,并远销海外,成绩斐然。担任制作人的唱片及音乐作品曾多次获“美国独立音乐大奖”“中国金唱片奖”“中华优秀出版奖”“华语音乐传媒大奖”等一百五十余个奖项,作品多次入选“CD圣经”等海内外专业评比。因多年与国际音乐制作及出版行业的密切合作经历,音乐创作理念及制作手段具有国际化的开阔视角。

演唱/Vocal: Chelsea Williams
演唱/Vocal: Hitomi Oba
演唱/Vocal: George Krikes
钢琴/键盘/Piano/Keys: Russell Ferrante
吉他/Guitar:John Schroeder
萨克斯/Saxophone: Hitomi Oba
口琴/Harmonica: Ross Garren
长号/Trombone: Nick DePinna
贝司/Bass: Erik Kertes
鼓/打击乐/Drums/Percussion: Gavin Salmon
录音工程师/Recording Engineer: Chris Rondinella
录音工作室/Recording Studio: Heritage Recording Co.
混音/ Mix Engineer: Dave Way
混音工作室/Mix Studio: Waystation

出品人:丁磊 叶云川
英文文案:Joshua Cheek
封面人物:Chelsea Williams