被遗忘的时光(王韵壹中英文唱爵士情歌 中美日制作)

王韵壹 2015-07-29发行
Times Forgotten
Wang Yunyi

《Ain’t no sunshine》以嗓音扬卷尘埃,尘封的感官不断回望被撕走的记忆。渺远的《欢颜》,随往事轻临。在昔日《爱情》未可意料的缤纷花事中,两颗心往来如贝斯和小号之间的秘恋,在最初试探的碰触中欲遮还羞,在交织和错过之间欲说还休。当感情终于在某刻如《花火》迸放,琴键跃动,鼓点曼妙,拨动肉体的情弦,让骨骼遍布颤栗的吻,缠绵曲调令游走的爱之火焰也束手就擒。《白月光》下,贝斯低徊,情爱如幻如真,催绽满枝心叶。但随深情吟哼渐入谜境,暝色轻愁旋即笼罩心头。《独上西楼》,往日欢愉已在一曲《Tennessee waltz》中消散。再回首,明月依然照临溢香的花丛,斯人芳踪却已无迹可寻,曾经《一生守候》的念头掩埋何处?惟浮云知晓。时光掀起的波涛,缓慢泻进身体的某一部分,在那里存留一个甘美的名字,持续发酵回忆中的温热。

The piano picks up, veiling your eyes with thick fog. You are in a dense and fragrant forest, looking for someone. You don’t remember who it is, but you decide to stay here for a while.
The album begins with Fireworks, in which the passionate vocals are accompanied by vibrant piano and a catchy rhythm, drawing the listener in from the very start, the way any relationship should begin. The vocals of Ain’t No Sunshine sweep across your senses, revealing pieces of memories long since torn up and scattered. Smiling Face makes the distant feel present. Love portrays an amorous dialog between bass and trumpet, as if two lovers first becoming acquainted with one another’s bodies and souls. In Pale Moonlight, the surreal bass line is like the palpable yet unfathomable sensation of love, gradually leading you into the mesmerizing vocals. The melancholy of Ascending West Tower Alone is completely dissipated by the elegant joyfulness of Tennessee Waltz. The irresistible flower blossoms under the brilliant white light of the moon, but no one is there to enjoy it; whatever happened to the promise of Waiting a Lifetime for You? Only the clouds know. The waves of time have slowly washed away the edges of memory, leaving nothing much more than a name, which still burns with eternal heat.
This feast of jazz music, including many songs from early 19th century southern United States harbor cities, is like the prayer of a love song, like an intangible and unsustainable encounter. Vocalist Wang Yunyi, with her charm and talent having been showcased on The Voice of China, possesses a unique voice that is best described as “magnetic”. She began learning piano at the age of six, then moved on to guitar at ten, and began experimenting with jazz vocal styles at 15. Her powerful but gentle voice is perfectly suited for expressing herself for jazz, and in these songs, sung in both English and Chinese, she provides track after track of stunning performances. Many of the songs are accompanied by trumpet and piano, and some feature improvised shuffle rhythms.
Rhymoi Music brings you this epic milestone in the Chinese jazz music scene, in which music and vocals playfully intertwine, creating a sound that is at once soothing and awe-inspiring. Veteran producer Ye Yunchuan overcomes all obstacles to successfully meld American jazz culture with Chinese vocal styles, including four classic English language songs, and eight elegant Chinese songs. Among the 12 tracks, seven were recorded in Los Angeles under the direction and instrumentation of master jazz performers, and the other five were overseen by Japanese jazz artists. Mastering was performed in the US, each track crafted with meticulous attention to detail, making this collaboration among Chinese, American and Japanese artists a true landmark in jazz music production. The brilliance of jazz is taken to a whole new level, where it waits to share and exchange its memories with you.
Among the colorful paper lanterns lining the streets, neon lights hum and twitch. A lethargic trumpet, an indecisive piano. These 12 songs have an almost palpable texture to them, their conversations between instrument and voice a feast for the senses. The smoke drifts away like the sail of a ship in the wind, impelling a dreamlike song, its rhythm carrying you into the sky. The clouds whisper to you, the moon can feel your heartbeat.
In Times Forgotten no memory is insignificant, every shard is precious. Memory is as gentle as a perplexing dream, love is the insignia of the past. Music is the best way to preserve these treasures of our lives.

中国最知名爵士乐女歌手,2006年至今,与国内外众多优秀音乐家合作演出,先后组建Hotline-1618爵士乐队、Frank Segen四重奏、筱慧与三重奏大爆炸(Elva&Trio B)以及筱慧与柠檬三重奏(Elva&Lemon Trio)。于2011年发行专辑《how long has this been going on》。在参与了热播真人秀节目《中国好声音》后,王韵壹被广大观众熟识,同时将兼具现代风格与传统经典的爵士乐带给中国观众,她嗓音酽厚而不失温润,对多种风格的演绎均有独到之处,是中国爵士乐演唱领域的第一人。
参加云南报业传媒(集团)和北京精品传媒(集团)联合主办的《精品消费报》3周年——美丽新世界 2012昆明时尚盛典,并获得年度最具风格女歌手奖。
受邀担任“LIKE SWING”我爱爵士2013环球巡回嘉年华爵士乐推广大使及演出嘉宾。
受中加国际文化艺术交流中心邀请二次赴加拿大温哥华,参加“2014年温哥华春节晚会”的演出,并获得加拿大政府表彰 。

《被遗忘的时光》 《花火》 《爱情》 《Ain’t No Sunshine》 《Smoke Gets in Your Eyes》《Tennessee Waltz》 《This Masquerade》
编曲/钢琴/键盘:Josh Nelson
贝斯:Dave Robaire
鼓:Dan Schnelle
吉他:Larry Koonse
小号:Ron Stout
录音:Talley Sherwood
录音室 : TALLEY STUDIO in Los Angeles
音乐制作:Jim Merod Casey Ng

《独上西楼》 《如果云知道》 《白月光》 《一生守候》 《欢颜》
钢琴:Simon Cosgrove
音乐制作:高梨道生 乔小兵

录音助理:袁立军 沈芳旌
市场统筹:刘军 张威
人物摄影: 轻松摄影
录音花絮摄影:小叶 佚名
造型设计:徐紫泰 候佳明
后期工程师:Robert Hadley
