Empires in the Sun

Thorium 2021-03-05发行
Given great incentive by their work together in Belgium’s legendary Heavy Metal band Ostrogoth, axemen Dario Frodo, Stripe and Tom Tee found themselves overwhelmed by massive amounts of inspiration for new material, much of which proved to lie too much outside the boundaries of what they could rightly realize with Ostrogoth. Therefore, they decided to found a brand new formation through which to channel all these new ideas.
With the addition of classically trained batterist Louis Van der Linden to the fold, the search was open for a powerful vocalist with a wide range and striking stage presence, which they found in seasoned Dutch singer David Marcelis (Lord Volture, Black Knight).
Not content to rest on their laurels, and eager to prove themselves a band that could keep on producing quality material quickly and efficiently, Thorium completed work on their sophomore album within one year of their debut release. Working together once again with seasoned mixer Simone Mularoni (DGM, Michael Romeo, Geoff Tate, Ray Alder,...), the band delivers some of their most ambitious material yet on this record, employing guest vocals by acclaimed artists such as Arjen A. Lucassen (Ayreon) and Joe Van Audenhove (Evil Invaders), as well as British actor and narrator Norman Eshley (Blind Guardian) to further broaden their sound.

Influenced by and incorporating elements of all the classic styles of Metal from the past four decades, such as NWOBHM, Power Metal, Progressive Metal, Speed Metal, Bay Area Thrash and of course classic Heavy Metal, Thorium’s members set themselves no boundaries and seek to deliver music that is heavy, melodic, virtuosic, catchy and conceptual.