Late Check-Out

Klischée 2021-06-25发行
The sense of ease with Klischée
We had almost forgotten the sense of ease; that feeling of letting go as if there were no tomorrow. The EP «Late Check-Out», released in June, is the soundtrack of a musical renovation inspired by hotel visits around the world – stories of club sandwiches eaten in the hotel lobby, of endless nights in nightclubs, of weekends spent in Beijing and room parties in Hong Kong, of midnight snacks in Berlin and nightcaps in Grand Hotels. 
Dancing in the hotel pools with vocal guests, braving bars of empty rooms at three in the morning. Each track tells of experiences and encounters happened on tour – when one still could go. The songs bring you on a journey, from the lobby to the rooftop bar. Since we cannot travel, we let ourselves be carried away, disinhibited, as if no one was watching. Be quiet, indulge and enjoy. Until the very last moment – Late Check-Out.


我们似乎已经忘记了那种轻松自在的感觉,那种忘记明天,彻底放空的感觉。这张六月份发行的《Late Check-Out》EP(延迟退房),便是我们在之前世界巡演的过程中,于世界各地酒店里进行音乐创新时候的背景音乐。当时的我们在酒店的大堂里吃三明治,然后花大把的时间泡在各个俱乐部。在北京,我们度过了一个又一个周末;在香港,我们在自己的房间里尽情派对;在柏林,我们在午夜时分找黑暗料理吃。数不清的华丽大酒店里都是我们打过盹儿的地。
