Vile Masters Of Mankind

NATURA MORTA 2020-06-12发行
Official release of the second full-length studio album by British Psychedelic Black/Death/Doom Metal one-man band.
Less HC/Punk, dry and in-your-face than the debut, it offers much more variety in the vocals and instruments, as well as elements of Psychedelia and Atmospheric Black Metal, unobtrusive yet effective keyboard passages, with lyrical themes of intimate personal issues and rage at the state of the modern world.
The album is a second part in the trilogy, which is a re-imagining of a “lost past” of the band. The concept of the album is simple - human life. Life as slaves that we are. From painful birth through sheer misery, to a bitter and lonely end.
Extremity in Metal means should mean absolute freedom of expression, and that’s what “Vile Masters Of Mankind” strives for. Music that can briefly free us from the slavery!
For fans of bands like Voivod, Celtic Frost, Fleurety, Mayhem, King Crimson, Coroner, Aura Noir, Satyricon, Virus and more.