Domenico Vicinanza 2022-10-20发行
A sonic journey through space and time by Domenico Vicinanza.
A fascinating scientific/sound story from the Big Bang to today

Musica Presente Records, from its very first publications, has expressed a clear editorial line: what interests us is polished music, not intended as abstractly experimental, but capable of combining sound exploration with existential investigation.
Furthermore, the type of music that is not a mere singing of personal feelings but that communicates a deep thought, takes charge of the problems of our troubled time, create relationships between human being and nature, between human being and transcendent, and between human being and science.
Domenico Vicinanza, a professor at the University of Cambridge, and an expert in Sonification of data and synthesis of sounds, deeply inserts himself into the context of his album, realizing a very original sound story that starts from the cosmic radiations produced by the Big Bang, not following naive creativity but based on scientific elements that are soundtracked. In a way that perhaps only he can do, very convincingly, he has made an album that expresses the special relationship between sound, technology, and science. In an era in which new-romantic individualism is invading not only the field of pop, but the whole world of art and music in particular (with the misleading idea that music is the romantic art par excellence and suitable for expressing only subjective feelings), the demonstration of the union between music and science seems very appropriate, especially if made with criteria that rigorously refer to both the scientific aspects and the sound, in its auditory beauty. For this reason, the work of Vicinanza assumes an important significance. But what does Sonification mean? Each piece is based on data from scientific experiments or space missions. As Vicinanza himself says: “observations, measurements, numbers, they become music thanks to a complex process called Sonification".