Hopeful Romantic

John Conlin 2022-05-26发行
The track itself is an upbeat powerhouse song with a strong, four-on-the-floor drum presence and a chorus with a monster hook. Coinciding with the vivacious sound of the track, the lyrics take an optimistic approach, even though they’re depicting heartbreak. From the first note, it is impossible to not be transported back a decade as “Hopeful Romantic” opens with lush strings and pulsating synths. They carefully guide the listener into the chorus where they’re met with a massive wave of energy and catchy lyrics.

Conlin, a self-proclaimed “hopeful romantic,” sings about the trials of unrequited love and the toll it has taken on him in this appropriately named single. Throughout the entirety of the single, he remains welcoming towards love in spite of the potential tribulations, noting his unchanged attitude as the song comes to a close, “Oh life ain’t always how you planned it. Sometimes it’s tragic. Despite it all, I still believe in love.”