Sinking Fate

距上张专辑转眼已过六年,这段期间Doodle在经历了台湾、日本与大陆巡演后,随即又进入一段很漫长的沉潜,终于再以原装音乐制作阵容回归,产出这第三张专辑《Sinking Fate》,由鼓手Zen于本身主理的112F Recording Studio亲自操刀录音及混音工程,送交美国Golden Mastering的JJ Golden负责完成专辑后制,装祯视觉设计找来DoZzz的贝斯手吴翰包办。 以炸裂音符经细致编排而堆砌建构出的强大气场氛围,包裹流畅自溺旋律,如沉沦宿命般浸泡于永远无法清醒的混沌状态。

“This album invokes deep feeling and a cinematic sense of imagery from the first song through to the end.
It’s hypnotic, dynamic and powerful. A real sonic journey and a joy to listen to!”
---JJ Golden (Mastering Engineer)

Meng-Huan Liao: Guitar & Vocals
Heng Kuo: Bass
Zen Chien: Drums & Others

All Music and Lyrics Written by Meng-Huan Liao
Arranged and Produced by Doodle
Recorded and Mixed by Zen Chien at 112F Recording Studio
Mastered by JJ Golden at Golden Mastering
Art Director by Han Wu

1. Broken Mind
2. Pain Cycle
3. Lying Around
4. The Shivering Caveman
5. Doors of Time
6. Midnight Lake
7. I Can't Even
8. Drowned
9. Glassy Eyes