Louis Siciliano 2022-02-02发行
(2 Awards by INDIESHARK) As an art form, jazz is best described as brilliantly organized chaos, dependent on the more calculated players in music to really do its core aesthetics justice. In this regard, the new album Folds of Time from Louis Siciliano & Mumex Trio is certainly one of the more complete jazz listens I’ve had the opportunity to review in the past couple of months, if not the collective 2021-2022 calendar. A spellbinding effort for jazz fans both new and old the same, I highly recommend giving Folds of Time a listen this winter season as to enjoy what could be one of the best independent records to emerge from this genre in a long time. Folds of Time sees Mumex Trio contending with some of the bigger names in jazz through a cultured, worldly concept of experimentalism that has the potential to create some really smashing works appealing to listeners normally too discriminating to appreciate hybridity. I’m very impressed with this album, having never listened to Louis Siciliano & Mumex Trio before, and if it’s representative of their personalities as well as their skillsets, theirs will be a discography I’ll be forced to pay some serious attention to.

Mark Druery - INDIESHARK