Javier Casado Sudupe 2022-12-11发行
Soundtrack, eclectic, minimalist.
Suggestive electronic environments, mysterious strings.
Moments of great suspense and intrigue.
Prodigious combination of electronic textures, percussion, piano and very subtle string sections

The composer Javier Casado Sudupe edits his work for the thriller Lost in Time (2022) written and directed by Pablo Merin and starring Annika Á Lofti and Juliett Nattestad.
Agne Peterson is a journalism student, Maria Gutensen is a girl who disappeared in 1966. 50 years later, Agnes will undertake her own investigation to fulfill her grandfather's dream, find her sister Maria alive or dead and solve the mysteries of her disappearance. . Jákup Jacobsen, a famous writer in Europe, was one of the main suspects, but no evidence was ever found against him. The last book of his published by him talks about kidnapping women. Agnes will move between reality and fiction to solve the case.