2021年10月某天在公园遛狗 晚上出发凌晨回来 偶然录到大爷陪小女孩打篮球 放到音轨里没有处理 其中有一句大爷说的话自然地成为了“never seen nobody like me”的堆叠和声
这样的巧合在之前的歌里出现很多 这首里面啤啤的叫声和我写的鼓的节奏也是吻合的
歌词主要描述了2021年的生活 这首是我编曲里最简单也最快速的一首 和弦用了一个bass的音色 鼓是用手机库乐队敲的 凌晨开始录音从头到尾只录了一遍 睡了一觉 下午补一些零碎的和声 把老啤的声音卡到合适的位置 然后整理之后这条和弦 鼓 人声 一共三轨
中间穿插 最后也加了一段在空教室录下的我唱的Butterflies。一首简单的编曲项目致敬Michael Jackson和Mac Miller。
I was walking my dog in the park, headed at night and came back home in the morning, happened to record a voice memo of little girl playing basketball with an old man,and put it on a track and just left it there, where the grandpa's words naturally become a stacked chorus of me singing "never seen nobody like me".This kind of coincidence has been seen in many previous songs, and in this one, My dog P barking matches the rhythm of the drums I wrote.
the lyrics are about life in 2021.it's the simplest and fastest song I've ever arranged .the chords are just a bass tone the drums are I taped from GarageBand on my phone in the early morning and only recorded my vocal once. After take a nap in the afternoon I added some bits and pieces of harmonies and snapped the dog sounds in the right place and then organized the chords and the drums and the vocals and made it a three track set In between, added Me singing Butterflies tribute to Michael Jackson that I recorded in an empty classroom to the last part.
-one easy project Tribute to Michael Jackson,Mac Miller.