
张天宇工作室 2024-05-15发行
The music of ”Gone“ has a series of symbolic images and actions, conveying the theme and emotion of the song. Perform in a space full of colour and visual effects, and these elements echo the melody and theme of the song. Many scenes in the music reflect the emotional expression in the song, such as escaping from reality, facing fear and finding personal freedom.

Specifically, some key scenes in the music include: Zhang Tianyu struggles in a closed room, which symbolises his inner fear and troubles; then he breaks the wall and escapes, symbolising getting rid of shackles and pursuing freedom. Zhang Tianyu plays in another space, and the environment around him is also constantly changing, reflecting the mood swing of the song.

Generally speaking, the music of ”Gone“ shows the emotional conflict and inner struggle in the song through strong visual expression, and also conveys the desire for personal freedom and reflection on reality.