Sun Wukong, the legendary character from "Journey to the West", one of the greatest novels in Imperial China, is respected and worshiped by generations of Chinese people. His spirit of rebellion and the romance in his blood have encouraged readers to pursue their ambitions and inner peace. The new single "Heavenly" by HARVI K is written from the perspective of Sun Wukong. As a trap song arranged with several traditional Chinese instruments, this track expresses the determination to achieve one's ambitions against all odds.
Composing/Lyrics/Recording/Mixing: HARVI K
Producing: Fabes VG/BMR
Mastering: Qu Sheng
孙悟空,中国四大名著中《西游记》的传奇人物,被祖祖辈辈中国人世代相传。他所代表的抗争精神和浪漫主义鼓励着读者和观众不惧困难,追寻野心的实现和内心的平静。HARVI K的新单曲《齐天》以孙悟空为角度,表达了对人性的思索和对理想的坚定。作为一首带有中国风配器的trap,《齐天》用独特的音乐风格展现了作者以及孙悟空的抗争精神。
作词/作曲/录音/混音:HARVI K
编曲:Fabes VG/BMR