Lulu (徐露露),出生于美国芝加哥,3岁回到中国北京,自幼在母亲耳濡目染下研习艺术和中国文化,14岁返回美国读高中。于2016年, 17岁的Lulu成为美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校大学一年级的学生,攻读心理学和音乐双学位。
Lulu自幼便怀揣着这样的一个愿景:就是长大成为一名出色的音乐心理治疗师,这个志向是她在12岁时确立的。故事缘起于此:2012年,在北京飞往芝加哥的飞机上,Lulu与妈妈巧遇著名美籍华人作曲家-- 陈怡教授,陈教授问Lulu长大想做什么?Lulu回答说“我喜欢唱歌,还想帮助别人”。闻此言,陈教授建议她以后可以学习音乐心理治疗专业。同年,Lulu第一次用自己的歌声做公益,并在校园义卖活动中出售自制的名为Melody of Love的音乐光盘,资助贫困孤儿, 此乃Lulu将理想付诸实施的第一次人生尝试。
Singer Introduction:
Anastasia Xu (Lulu), born in Chicago, USA, brought back to Beijing, China at age of 3, studied in Chinese and International schools, learned to appreciate Chinese culture before returning to American high school at the age of 14. In 2016, at the age of 17, Lulu became a freshman at the University of California, San Diego, studying for psychology and music double degree.
Lulu conceived such a vision for her future when she was at the age of 12: to become a remarkable music therapist. The inspiration came in 2010, on the flight from Beijing to Chicago. Sitting next to Lulu was the famous Chinese composer - Professor Chen Yi who asked Lulu what would she like to do as a grown up?” Lulu replied, "I like to sing and want to help others." Heard this remark, Professor Chen suggested that Lulu may consider to become a music therapist. In the same year, Lulu for the first time with her own voice helping others. In a school project, she recorded an album called “Melody of Love”, and sold on campus and raised the fund for an orphanage in Beijing.